Facts For The Visitor

Facts For The Visitor And Pri

U.S. Citizens are required to obtain visas for entering Turkey. Visas can be obtained at the border crossing points (Airports in Turkey) up to three months. A fee of $100 will be collected not withstanding the type of the visa issued. Visas can also be issued by the closest Turkish Consular Offices in the U.S. citizens are required a valid passport for entering Greece and can stay up to 3 months without a visa.
In Turkey, you will dress pretty much as you would for Europe. Travel light is our best advise to you.
No shorts or sleeveless shirts are allowed for either men or women when visiting mosques; women require a headscarf. Please contact us for different dress codes on cruise trips.
King beds are not commonly found in Turkey & Greece. Hotels generally offer double beds (French bed) or 2 twins. In some cases two twins will be put together to create one double bed. Air-conditioning where available does not always run 24 hours a day and may not be as cool as American standards.
The monetary unit is the Turkish Lira (TL). All banks have exchange counters and many accept travelers checks and major credit cards. Many ATM's are tied to international networks such as Cirrus and Plus. Ask your bank whether your bank card or credit card PIN will need to be reprogrammed for use in Turkey. The monetary unit in Greece is the Drachma.
In all towns and villages there are public international telephone boxes. For these telephones you will need phone cards or tokens which are available from the post offices. AT&T, MCI and SPRINT have international services that make calling home relatively affordable and convenient and let you avoid hotel surcharges. Before you go call the company of choice to learn the number you must dial in Turkey to reach its network.
As in Europe, the electrical current in Turkey and Greece is 220 volts. Some of the cabins in cruise ships are fitted with American-type outlets and some with European-type outlets, so bring dual voltage appliances and plug adaptor.
Tipping is customary in Turkey & Greece and it really depends on your evaluation of the service provided. It is traditional to tip the waiters, the guides & their drivers, the boat crew, porters etc. if you are satisfied with the service.

Facts For The Visitor